2021 Pre-order
For the 1st time we are taking Pre order just in time for Xmas. We are asked constantly if we have specific models. Most of the time we don't. We only carry in stock the most popular models in Belize.
This Pre order is for models we don't normally keep in stock. They will be here just in time for the holidays.
Customs cases make perfect gifts for someone who already has everything.
If you always wanted a case for you now is the best time to order yours.
- Huawei, Oppo, Vivo
- LG, Moto & more
Pre- order Here
Please fill out the quick form to place your pre-order
Q. What's the price?
A. The price is $45 with any photo or design you would like. You can also get 2 for $60
Q. Can I put a photo on the case?
A. Yes you can put any photo or design on your case.
Q. When will the case be here?
A. They are scheduled to be here the 3rd week in December.
Q. Do I need to pay in full?
A. No, but you need to make a down payment to secure your order.
Q. When do I need to pay?
A. The Deadline is 5th of March
Q. How can I make payment?
A. You can make payment to our bank account or to a Zitro location near you.
"You guys are really good I am in love with my phone case keep doing what you guys doing
- Evyn Alvarado Jr
"High def pictures... the cases are lovely and really affordable and make a great gift. I know because I love mine."
- Esmeralda E. Wagner