Brand Ambassadors
We have finally concluded the application process for our Brand Ambassadors. We can officially announce our eight Ambassadors. Take a look at their pictures, read their bio, find out which one of them is representing your district and follow them on social media.

Hi Everyone! My name is Digna Ramirez. If I had to describe my self in three words, they would be ambitious, detailed and introverted. However, even though I am introverted, I don’t let that get in the way of what I want to achieve. This means I constantly find myself coming out of my comfort zone which is pretty scary at times but like how David Cotrell said “Our comfort zones can be the greatest enemy to our potential”. Taking these risks has helped me discover who I am as an individual. Currently, I’m an Environmental Science major at Galen University. My aim is to become a Renewable Energy Engineer to
help mitigate Climate Change with cleaner, sustainable and renewable sources of energy. I care about our planet Earth and take pride in my country, Belize. I’ve had the opportunity to represent Belize internationally and I do it with the best of my abilities with the help of A&S Covers, of course! Before my trips, I make sure to order Belizean Flag merch from them. So, it’s an incredible honor for me to be one of their brand ambassadors and share with you all how great they are at what they do and stand for.
Click here to follow her on instagram on find her using
Hey. I am Nyssa Magaña, 19 years old, resident of Blue Creek, Orange Walk District. I am currently pursuing a bachelors degree in Accounting at the University of Belize. I am so happy and honored to be a part of A&S Covers Family as an brand ambassador. They are simply the best. Can’t wait to continue sharing their products and telling you about how far they’ve come to.
Click here to follow her on instagram or find her using @nyssamagana

My name is Angeles Locke, resident of Belize City. As a child growing into an adolescent and now an adult, I have been fascinated by the idea of modeling. I am currently the age of 18 and working on building a strong portfolio. I am thrilled with now being a part of the A&S Covers Family by having the opportunity to be one of their Brand Ambassadors and show casing their merchandise. I enjoy interacting with people and cannot wait to engage my social media friends and followers with this successful business and their variety of products! My charismatic personality will certainly outstand!
Click here to follow her on instagram on find her using @angeleslocke
My name is Daniel Pop, born and raised in the beautiful town of Dangriga I grew up with my mother and my three sisters. I have been living in Belize City for almost 14 years were I have worked and been able to establish my own business Tap Tech Solutions or as many people know me around the city as the only mobile phone unlocking service. I am currently a student at Wesley Junior College pursuing my degree in Information Technology.
Nolan Bushnell once said that the true entrepreneur is a doer not a dreamer. If there is one word I believe describes me is resilient, despite all the difficult situations life has put me through I have managed to overcome all of them.
With a growing tech business, finishing school and being a father I still manage to find time for myself and my hobbies of health and fitness. My business and my overall gregarious personality has allowed me to meet many great people along the way, one of them being Armando Perez, the A from A&S. I am excited to be able to work along with him and the A & S covers team as their brand ambassador.
Click here to follow her on instagram on find him using @iphone6nerd

Greetings,my name is Andre Acosta. I am a destination Belize wedding photographer and content marketer based out of my beautiful home town of San Pedro otherwise know as “la Isla Bonita”.
I reflect various personality qualities such as ambition, and the qualities of generosity and thoughtfulness. I am also a well determined and vigorous individual yet pleasantly calm. I encourage fighting and working for what you desire not just dreaming about it or else you will forever dream and never accomplish those dreams.
I am currently a full time photographer, motivated by my love and passion for the arts and succeeding as I strive to become an outstanding figure in today’s society. With the definitive goal of Becoming an international award wining travel photographer.
Now that you know what my outlook for the future and what my ambitions are let me share some of my off the job life, some of my hobbies off the job are weightlifting, from a very young age I loved exercise but about a year ago I gave CrossFit a try and totally fell in love with it and weightlifting and spend a lot of my time training.I also enjoy spending time under the beautiful crystal clear waters of the Caribbean and just spending time with my family as they are a very important part of my life.
I hope you got to know me a bit better from my short biography and keep working to making your dreams come through.
Click here to follow him on instagram or find him using @andreainbze

My name is Kyla Cuevas, and I'm a 20-year-old student, currently pursuing my degree at the University of Belize. I'm a small girl with big dreams and my love for life is even bigger! It's all about growing, learning, going on adventures and just having fun. I'm looking forward to sharing all these adventures with you and with the crew at A&S Covers.
Click here to follow her on instagram or find her using @ky.cuevas

“Make your life a masterpiece, imagine you have no limitations on what you can be, have or do.” Hi! I am twenty-one years old Lesley-Anne Monique Robinson hailing all the way from Belize`s culture capital Dangriga. I was very blissful when I received the news that I would become A&S`s newly ambassador for Stann Creek. I see it as my duty now to represent A&S Covers and my district proudly. As I said before make life your masterpiece and it is my responsibility to make all my dreams a reality because you become what you believe so you must believe in yourself and I will start from here. I look forward in interacting with all followers and making sure we all have a memorable experience as we continue this journey together.
Click here to follow her on instagram or find her using @les._lee

There are no limits to what you can accomplish, except the limits you place on your own thinking." I was born and raised in the beautiful district of Toledo. I'm more than honoured to be representing my district.I'm mixed with Ketchi & Garifuna many refer to me as the "ketchifuna Curly hair girl." It has defined me a lot more than you would think. This part of my life shaped the way I grew up. Differences make you stand out.No matter if you're tall, green-eyed, black, white or all of them. If there's one thing I've learned through my experiences, it's that it's something to be proud of. I have two very different sets of genes inside of me and I feel lucky to say so.It's okay that I look a little different, my hair is a little bigger and my parents don't look like they're related to me, because, like Michael Jackson said, it doesn't matter if you're black or white (or both).
Click here to follow her on instagram or find here using @chesneeeeee