Weekend Getaway?
The long weekend is finally here and some of you may be packing or already on your way to that getaway you planned from the beginning of the year. Some of us might not be as fortunate enough to be able to travel away and will be stuck home with endless amounts of wifi and electricity.
If you're that person then I have exciting news - we will be gaming ALL WEEKEND LONG. Our schedule includes Fortnite, PUBG, League of Legends, Call of Duty, NBA 2K19, FIFA 19 and maybe even Apex Legends. And since it's long weekend it means that our team will be away getting much needed rest and relaxation so messages to the A&S page will not be answered until tuesday when we return to our normal working hours.

Don't forget to watch our stream on our gaming page now named TAG EXP19 - Belize Gaming Association. Make sure to follow that page for updates on our TAG EXP event and all things game related. Don't forget to sign up for the tournament on our new website https://tagexpbz.com/games so that you can get exclusive Room IDs for certain games. Check our full schedule here.
If you still haven't applied to become a Brand Ambassador make sure you apply by clicking here. Our number 628-4758 will still be available for questions.