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Shout-out Wednesday: Chesnee Garcia

Have you met our Toledo Brand Ambassador Chesnee Garcia? Here's a short biography about her.

There are no limits to what you can accomplish, except the limits you place on your own thinking." I was born and raised in the beautiful district of Toledo. I'm more than honored to be representing my district.I'm mixed with Ketchi & Garifuna many refer to me as the "ketchifuna Curly hair girl." It has defined me a lot more than you would think. This part of my life shaped the way I grew up. Differences make you stand out.No matter if you're tall, green-eyed, black, white or all of them. If there's one thing I've learned through my experiences, it's that it's something to be proud of. I have two very different sets of genes inside of me and I feel lucky to say so. It's okay that I look a little different, my hair is a little bigger and my parents don't look like they're related to me, because, like Michael Jackson said, it doesn't matter if you're black or white (or both).

Click here to follow her on Instagram or find here using @chesneeeeee


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