Can you do me a favor?

Yes, we've all been guilty at some point of inconveniencing ourselves, or someone else, with important errands. Picture this. You're at work, being as productive as you can be, when suddenly you realize you forgot to do an errand on the other side of town. You freak out because there's no way you can excuse yourself from work to rush into traffic to get that package or make that purchase.
So what do you do? You ask for a favor. And who would you ask to do the favor? You call on Favorz, powered by A&S Covers. Favorz is our new delivery department that delivers more than just cases. We delivery food, drop off/pickup packages, make bill payment and even do purchases on your behalf.
Does it work? Yes, I've tried it myself. Some of you may know, I (Sharissa) don't work for A&S Covers full-time. So as I promised on one of our live videos, I tried it for myself.

I asked for a favor and had Favorz pickup my order of donuts and everyone at my office was contented with their afternoon snack. The order process is simple. You explain to the Favorz rep what favor you need to get done, provide details of the favor and the drop of location and they'll get the job done. If it's a purchase being requested, we will cover the cost and you reimburse us upon delivery.
For now the service is only being offered in Belize City and Ladyville village. To request a favor be sure to Whatsapp or call us at 601-1208.