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Birthday Giveaway

Armando's birthday is coming up!

You know the saying, "It's a small world?" Well if the world is small then Belize is even smaller, so much so that our cousin, Giovanni Perez, is the person behind Prints Decor and we have teamed up for a celebration giveaway. 

The birthday package will include

  • 1 customized banner (16 ½” X 35 “)
  • 1 dozen customized treat boxes
  • 1 dozen customized cupcake topper
  • 1 dozen customized cupcake wrapper
  • 1 customized cake topper
  • 1 piñata
  • 1 customized phone case
  • 1 customized coffee mug

To join in on the fun you must submit the picture of the special someone who’s birthday you will be celebrating and will be receiving the birthday package by Monday April 1st at 5pm. Submission must be sent to Prints Decor’s Facebook or Instagram accounts.

All picture submission will be posted on his page on Tuesday April 2nd and the picture (original) with the most likes by Friday April 5th at 5pm will win the birthday package.


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