Birthday Announcement
Today is our 5th birthday! Believe it or not, 5 years ago we opened our doors for business. We've come along way since working from inside of Armando's bedroom, only offering 10 types of phone cases and having no employees.
Today we have our own space which holds 5 full time employees, we have partners all over the country that resell our products and we can now print on just about any phone case. The most interesting known fact now is that you can finally bring in the phone case of your choice for us to print on.
To celebrate this milestone we have two announcements so read carefully. Firstly, we are excited to announce that as of today you can officially make your orders through our website without the need of a credit card. Grip cases start at $40 and Beauty starts at $30. There is a catch to the price drop, if you order through the website then you will create your own design. This way, you can design it on your own, order and confirm payment without the need to contact us.
Secondly, for those that do order on the website from now until Saturday 31st will be entered into a raffle to get their order for free. Please remember to leave your phone number and email address for us to reach you if there's need. Also, you can order popups, mirrors, key chains and all of our items through the website.
Not confident to order through the website? Then reach out to us through our social media accounts or through whatsapp at 628-4758.