Belizean and always Proud
I don't know if it's a Belizean thing, but we Belizeans LOVE to rep our flag when traveling! Back in the day people would only travel with a flag, but we've evolved to taking shirts, hats and other clothing items to show that we come from Belize. Now a days we take phone cases and popups. After opening A&S Covers, we haven't traveled without a Belizean Flag case. In 2017 I traveled to Russia with a bunch of friends and took our Flag case everywhere. So when my travel buddy Digna told me she was traveling to Costa Rica and needed some Belize flag merch I made sure to provide them.
Digna, along with several other students from Galen University represented Belize in Costa Rica at the 34th Model Organization of American States. The purpose of the MOAS is to promote democratic values among the youth of the Hemisphere and to familiarize students with the priorities of the Inter-American agenda and the work of the OAS. And of course, we made sure they had their Belizean Flag popup for every selfie at the event. You can follow more of Digna's travel adventures on Instagram at or click here.
Traveling and representing Belize with one of our Flag merchandise, or our iconic Coast of Belize case, or perhaps one of our limited edition wooden case? Send us your picture like the one above to be featured on our Instagram and Facebook stories, you'll even be added to our new Instagram Highlight here we feature Belizeans in countries much yonder rocking their A&S cases. Don't have one of flag or Belizean inspired cases? Contact us today on our social media accounts of whatsapp us at 628-4758 to order.